Senin, 30 Maret 2009


Fitnes "GYM"

Horny Muscle Dudes offer a big choice of the finest gay muscle galleries! ... Welcome to Horny Muscle Dudes! We update daily with nude gay muscle and gay ...

Hot latin muscle dude Pepe Mendoza is a regular at PowerMen. He was descovered by the PowerMen scouts a few years back and now Pepe is back at the site to ...

Enjoy gay muscle hunks and naked musclemen in our fresh galleries! If you like naked hunks, ... Muscle Porn. 09. Perfect Muscle Dudes. 10. Gay Man Muscle ...


gay footballers muscle in on the macho scene

Queer tango is one thing, but gay soccer? In Buenos Aires, football is the purest expression of this culture's classic machismo and all that goes with it, whether that's getting away with cheating your opponent a-la Maradona's 'hand of God' or getting into knife fights with opposing fans after matches. But this weekend gay soccer hits Latin America for the first time with the Gay Soccer World Cup to begin in Buenos Aires, opening with a party at a local disco on Sunday night. 23 cities throughout the world are represented by gay and lesbian teams. The Mexican team is fighting it out without the support of their national association, but Argentina's Soccer Association is behind this event. It will be interesting to see what you're average Argentine football fan makes of it.



Jumat, 27 Maret 2009

Gay Beef


The early gay male leather subculture is epitomized by the Leatherman's Handbook byLarry Townsend published in 1972, which essentially defined one specific order of the Old Guard leather culture. This code emphasized strict formality and fixed roles. There is another order of the Old Guard that emphasizes discipline, honor, brotherhood, and respect and promotes and even stricter lifestyle promoting education, knowledge, and privilege based on successive ranks or levels. Leather submissives start as novice trainees and systematically earn their leather while progressing through the levels of third class, second class, first class, and senior trainee. Once a submissive completes his training and earns the Senior title, he is ready to go into part time or full time service as a houseboy in an Old Guard Master's household. When gay leathermen cruised in the early 1970s, they began using the bandana code to indicate what kind of sex they were interested in having (some still use the code today).

source: http:// ReadMore...

Friday GAY Beef

Holy freakin' beef! I've never thought much about rugby (well, there WAS this one hot guy in college that I knew played rugby) but the guys over at RugbyGuys have definitely gotten my attention. Following the lead of the French Dieux du Stade, someone has put together a group of American and Canadian gay rugby players. Sale of the calendars goes to support gay amateur athletes. Sounds like a good cause to me!

While I was looking at the RugbyGuys site, I followed things to GorillaBeach, the firm that put together the calendar. They've got several models on their site, one of which is the hairy, uber-sexy beef to my right. Oh my! Those eyes, that chest, the shoulders... Oh so nice!



Selasa, 17 Maret 2009


Cowok-Cowok sekarang pada mangkal
n ngumpul2 dimana ya??
kok sepi-sepi aja, Rame-mya pas chating doang

kasih info dong dimana aja


dimana aja tempat nongkrong asik...

Festival Film Gay-Lesbi di Jogja

Dengan tujuan untuk menciptakan sebuah ruang dialog bagi keberagaman seksual melalui media seni, Q-Munity menyelenggarakan Q!FFest 2008 di Jogja sejak 20 - 26 april 2008.

"Diharapkan event ini mampu menjadi ruang dialog tentang keberagaman seksual khususnya di Jogja melalui media seni," kata Direktur Festival Q!FFest 2008, Nino Susanto dalam jumpa pers Q!FFest 2008 di Kinoki (18/04).

Selain pemutaran film mainstream, indie, lokal maupun mancanegara, festival ke-4 ini juga akan diisi dengan forum dan workshop tentang isu keberagaman seksualitas dan HIV/AIDS, pameran sastra dan seni komunitas Queer (komunitas q-munity,red), dan lomba karaoke.

Festival film yang sebagian besar terdiri dari film dengan tema keberagaman seksual ini diselenggarakan di lima venue di Jogja yakni Kinoki, Moviebox Gejayan, Lembaga Indonesia Perancis (LIP), Universitas Sanata Dharma, dan V-Art and Gallery Yogyakarta.

Penyelenggaraan festival yang akan memutar sekitar 58 film ini utamanya ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran berkenaan dengan isu-isu keberagaman seksual dan HIV/AID, meningkatkan potensi dan kontribusi komunitas "terpinggir" di Yogyakarta, serta mewadahi keberagaman seksual dan toleransi lewat gambaran kehidupan sehari-hari homoseksual lelaki, GAY dan wanita, para biseksual, para transgender, heteroseksual, dan ODHA.

Q!FFest berdiri sejak tahun 2005. Pada penyelenggaraannya tahun kemarin ternyata mampu menarik minat banyak penonton dengan dihadiri sekitar 2200 penonton dalam satu minggu penyelenggaraannya. Diharapkan, festival yang tahun ini mengangkat tema "Youth Attack" akan mampu menarik minat penonton yang lebih besar dari penyelenggaraan sebelumnya.

source: ReadMore...

Minggu, 15 Maret 2009



Apa anda termasuk GAY

Pikir2 dulu, apa sudah sanggup kalo gay sebenarnya belum diterima di masyarakat.

pertimbangkan dengan baik.

semua kembali kediri (bukan Kediri jawa timur lho) masing2.


Rabu, 11 Maret 2009

GAY Indonesia GUY'S

Homosexuality in Indonesia has its own character. There is a clear distinction between the men who are gay and waria/ banci - transgendered people – In early eighties, the men in the homo communities said that they only liked to sleep with laki-laki asli – straight men. In Surabaya the gay people were gathering at nights mostly on Thursday and Saturday but around the corner there were banci or waria.

Indonesian banci are usually quite public, for example they may be street performers, singers, fasion designers, actors, media people. Generally, the relationship between waria and gay wasn't very good. Many homos paid for laki-laki asli to have sex with them, whereas laki-laki asli usually paid the waria for sex. All of the waria in those days were poor, they lived in the kampung (in the side alley ways).. 

In Jakarta, were so many brothels that the guys just used to pay for sex and didn't have the headache of dealing with whoever they slept with afterwards! Nowadays, though, Jakarta has changed and there are many places where gay can socialize. 

It’s quite obvious that with the exception of Indonesians who are very westernised and / or educated, most think of all gay people waria. People accept waria or banci. When simple people see the word 'gay' they probably think that's the English translation of the word waria. 

A lot of Indonesian gay men are earning better these days so they travel more. Kuta beach on Bali is becoming a popular destination for gay men from Java, Sumatra and other islands.

Internet also plays big role in today’s gay life in Indonesia. This website has been set to provide another platform of communications in gay guys in Indonesia as well as for those who are going to visit this beautiful country. 

copy: ReadMore...

Any GAY ...

ada juga
dan Lain-lain

Anda Termasuk Yang Mana . . . ? ? ?


Selasa, 10 Maret 2009

GAY mangkal dimana ya ?

ada gak ya tempat GAY-GAY ngumpul..?
untuk share segala problem mengenai
komunitas Gay..
kasih tau dong dimana aja..

Free URL Redirection ReadMore...

Senin, 09 Maret 2009

Pernikahan Gay di Bali

VIVAnews - Dua pria negara Belanda telah melangsungkan pernikahan sejenis dengan adat Hindu di Bali. Secara hukum, pernikahan gay tersebut bersifat ilegal dan dianggap tidak ada atau non-eksis.

Penegasan tersebut disampaikan pengamat hukum dari Universitas Padjadjaran Lastuti Abubakar dalam perbincangannya dengan VIVAnews melalui telepon, Kamis, 16 Oktober 2008. Landasan yang digunakan Lastuti adalah Undang Undang Nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan.

"Mustinya dipertanyakan. Pernikahan akan dianggap tidak sah bila melanggar undang undang," tegas Lastuti. Pernikahan yang telah berlangsung Rabu 15 Oktober itu, bertentangan dengan hukum yang berlaku.

Lastuti sangat yakin, UU No 1 tahun 1974 itu tidak akan diubah apalagi ada yang mengajukan perubahan. Maka itu, pernikahan sejenis yang dilangsungkan di Bali itu, sangat bertentangan dengan ketentuan hukum di Indonesia.

Dua pria Belanda yang menikah itu yakni Hendricus Johannes Deijkers dan Christianus Huijbregts. Keduanya menikah Mereka menikah secara Hindu di Desa Pupuan Sawah, Tabanan, Bali.

Source • VIVAnews, 2008 ReadMore...

existensi GAY Indonesia

Ternyata sekarang ini Gay indonesia mulai secara perlahan menunjukan eksistensi mereka. Beberapa situs sudah berani mengklaim sebagai situs Gay. Hal yang cukup berani untuk sebuah komunitas yang “berbeda” dan cukup sensitif untuk masyarakat indonesia. Ada banyakwebsite yang memproklamasikan diri sebagai web gay indonesia .

Untuk tempat nongkrong GAY di indonesia
Hususnya kota-kota basar di indonesia bisa di cek sendiri,

Klo di jogja sih denger2 kayaknya di alun-alun tuh.
tapi sekarang kaum GAY lebih asik On-Line kali ya
Kan lebih enak bisa cepat dapat kenalan baru
Lalu hangOut deh.

ok. selamat search aja. untuk kota-kota lainnya, kan dah pada pinter2 ReadMore...